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Critical Window of Opportunity

51cm (W) x 66cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Acrylic on paper

$ 800.00


Megan-Jane Johnstone
View Artist Profile

This artwork is part of: VAS George Hicks Foundation Contemporary Exhibition 2025

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Glaciers matters; only around 3% of the Earth’s water is fresh and of this, only about 1.2% is ‘surface water’ (i.e., found in lakes, rivers and swamps). The remaining 1.8% of the Earth’s fresh water is stored in glaciers. Over the past 25 years, the world’s glaciers have been retreating at an accelerated rate. UNESCO estimates that by 2050, around one third of the glaciers, covering an area of roughly 66,000km2 in its 50 World Heritage sites, will disappear. While these glaciers are doomed, it is still possible to save the remaining two thirds that are at risk. To this end, mitigation action needs to be taken NOW. A key aim of this work (from my glacial suite) is to invite viewers to reflect on the importance of the world’s glaciers and the Cryosphere generally, and the very small critical window of opportunity that is open to take action to protect these vital resources, which are essential to the survival of all things that depend on water for life.

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Other Works by Megan-Jane Johnstone

Johnstone _Glacier 13.jpg
Glacier 13
Megan-Jane Johnstone
75cm (W) x 55cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Mixed media: Acrylic ink, gouache
$ 800.00
Glacial ablation 10-Cropped.jpg
Glacial Ablation 10
Megan-Jane Johnstone
45cm (W) x 55cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Acrylic and acrylic ink
$ 700.00
Critical Window 2025.jpg
Critical Window of Opportunity
Megan-Jane Johnstone
51cm (W) x 66cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Acrylic on paper
$ 800.00
1. Stalactites.jpg
Megan-Jane Johnstone
25cm (W) x 30cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Acrylic, acrylic ink, posca pen
$ 150.00
Ancient air bubbles 6.jpg
Ancient Air Bubbles 6
Megan-Jane Johnstone
20cm (W) x 25cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Acrylic ink on paper
$ 100.00
Cirque Glacier I.jpg
Cirque Glacier I
Megan-Jane Johnstone
41cm (W) x 51cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Mixed media (Acrylic, gouache, collage)
$ 800.00
Heatwave 1.1 Primary.jpg
Heatwave 1
Megan-Jane Johnstone
46cm (W) x 56cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Gel print, collage, acrylic
$ 500.00
1. Johnstone_Glacier III.jpg
Glacier III
Megan-Jane Johnstone
46cm (W) x 56cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Daniel Smith Watercolour
$ 425.00
1. The Gorge in Spring.jpg
The Gorge in Spring
Megan-Jane Johnstone
70cm (W) x 50cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Watercolour, gouache on paper
$ 600.00
Contemplating Woman
Megan-Jane Johnstone
46cm (W) x 56cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Mixed media (gel monoprint + collage)
$ 425.00
The Fall I
Megan-Jane Johnstone
46cm (W) x 56cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Golden Open acrylic on paper
$ 375.00
Land Interrupted
Megan-Jane Johnstone
46cm (W) x 56cm (H) x 2cm (D)
mixed media gelprint collage
$ 325.00
The High Country
Megan-Jane Johnstone
56cm (W) x 30cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Watercolour, graphite
Shifting sand dunes
Megan-Jane Johnstone
51cm (W) x 40.5cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Beach grasses on sand dunes
Megan-Jane Johnstone
46cm (W) x 56cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Watercolour (Daniel Smith) on paper (Arches CP 300gm)

Not for sale
JOHNSTONE_Megan-Jane_Outback Track
Outback Track
Megan-Jane Johnstone
25cm (W) x 25cm (H) x 2cm (D)
$ 95.00
JOHNSTONE_Megan-Jane_Spirit of the land
Spirit of the land
Megan-Jane Johnstone
25cm (W) x 25cm (H) x 2cm (D)
$ 95.00
Of this land I
Megan-Jane Johnstone
56cm (W) x 46cm (H)
Watercolour on paper
$ 325.00
Of this land II
Megan-Jane Johnstone
56cm (W) x 46cm (H)
Watercolour on paper
$ 325.00
Rabbit tail grass on sand dunes III
Megan-Jane Johnstone
40.5cm (W) x 51cm (H)
Watercolour on paper

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We would like to pay our respects to the traditional owners of the land on which our building stands, their leaders, past, present and emerging.