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Equinox II

46cm (W) x 56cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Gel monoprint using Golden Open

$ 375.00


Megan-Jane Johnstone
View Artist Profile

This work (from my Equinox series) is inspired by the historical markers of seasonal change and ‘tipping points’, notably, the Equinoxes and Solstices that occur in set periods across the globe. Equinox (from the Latin aequinoctium, from aequus (equal) and nox (night)), has been defined as ‘an event in which a planet's subsolar point passes through its Equator’. It is further described as ‘the only time when both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere experience roughly equal amounts of daytime and nighttime.’ Solstice (from the Latin sōlstitium, from sōl, ‘sun’, and sistere, ‘to stand still’, literally ‘the standing still of the sun’), in turn, is described as ‘the point where the Sun appears to reach either its highest or lowest point in the sky for the year,’ and hence is perceived as ‘standing still’ (Reference: Both Equinoxes and Solstices serve as beautiful metaphors. As noted by, these seasonal events work by reminding us that ‘darkness and light are both necessary and vital parts of the human experience. There is no happiness without sadness, no bright growth without darkness and depth’.

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Other Works by Megan-Jane Johnstone

Cirque Glacier I.jpg
Cirque Glacier I
Megan-Jane Johnstone
41cm (W) x 51cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Mixed media (Acrylic, gouache, collage)
$ 800.00
Heatwave 1.1 Primary.jpg
Heatwave 1
Megan-Jane Johnstone
46cm (W) x 56cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Gel print, collage, acrylic
$ 500.00
The Tragedy of Glacial Ablation (Edit)
The Tragedy of Glacial Ablation
Megan-Jane Johnstone
13cm (W) x 23cm (H)
acrylic on board
$ 100.00
1. Johnstone_Glacier III.jpg
Glacier III
Megan-Jane Johnstone
46cm (W) x 56cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Daniel Smith Watercolour
$ 425.00
1. The Gorge in Spring.jpg
The Gorge in Spring
Megan-Jane Johnstone
70cm (W) x 50cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Watercolour, gouache on paper
$ 600.00
Contemplating Woman
Megan-Jane Johnstone
46cm (W) x 56cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Mixed media (gel monoprint + collage)
$ 425.00
The Fall I
Megan-Jane Johnstone
46cm (W) x 56cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Golden Open acrylic on paper
$ 375.00
Equinox II
Megan-Jane Johnstone
46cm (W) x 56cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Gel monoprint using Golden Open
$ 375.00
Solstice I
Megan-Jane Johnstone
46cm (W) x 56cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Gel monoprint using Golden Open
$ 375.00
Land Interrupted
Megan-Jane Johnstone
46cm (W) x 56cm (H) x 2cm (D)
mixed media gelprint collage
$ 325.00
The High Country
Megan-Jane Johnstone
56cm (W) x 30cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Watercolour, graphite
Boabs dancing the Salsa
Megan-Jane Johnstone
20.32cm (W) x 25.4cm (H) x 1.75cm (D)
Gel print base, Posca pen
$ 125.00
Shifting sand dunes
Megan-Jane Johnstone
51cm (W) x 40.5cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Beach grasses on sand dunes
Megan-Jane Johnstone
46cm (W) x 56cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Watercolour (Daniel Smith) on paper (Arches CP 300gm)

Not for sale
JOHNSTONE_Megan-Jane_Outback Track
Outback Track
Megan-Jane Johnstone
25cm (W) x 25cm (H) x 2cm (D)
$ 95.00
JOHNSTONE_Megan-Jane_Spirit of the land
Spirit of the land
Megan-Jane Johnstone
25cm (W) x 25cm (H) x 2cm (D)
$ 95.00
Of this land I
Megan-Jane Johnstone
56cm (W) x 46cm (H)
Watercolour on paper
$ 325.00
Of this land II
Megan-Jane Johnstone
56cm (W) x 46cm (H)
Watercolour on paper
$ 325.00
Rabbit tail grass on sand dunes III
Megan-Jane Johnstone
40.5cm (W) x 51cm (H)
Watercolour on paper

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Acknowledgment of traditional owners.

We would like to pay our respects to the traditional owners of the land on which our building stands, their leaders, past, present and emerging.