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$ 860.00

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$ 2,180.00

$ 2,380.00

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Eastern Rosella, also known as the rosella, white cheeked rosella and rosella parakeet, mainly eat seeds but also berries, blossoms, nectar, fruit and insects.
They have white cheeks, bright red heads and necks and blue flight feathers.
Feathers on their backs and wings are black, edged with yellow-green or yellow.
The native symbols of Rosella are eternal love and devotion.
Rosella also indicates love and a shared journey.
As many of you may know I don’t paint birds very often, but when I do it’s normally a self-projection.
From where I live in Bayswater, there is a big field of open woodland near my studio.
My creating process normally start from a short walk into the woods, touching the texture of the tree barks, feeling the sunlight reflecting on the leaves and grasses.
I then collect whatever I found during the walk as inspiration. There's only one rule for my collecting process, never take from the living tree/life.
I collect what had fallen only, and those are the gift from the nature of the day for me.
The grassland is always my favourite playground, especially during the lockdown. I often accompanied by varies local birds such as cockatoos, magpies, colourful rosellas, lorikeets and kookaburras during the walk.
This time, I encountered a beautiful friend. A branch of fallen pine tree leaves is what I picked up.
My eyes landed on this colourful rosella resting quietly on the branch of one of the giant, old pine tree.
In winter, pine tree leaves show different shades of colors, the earthy tone gave me a feeling of zen and tranquillity - a peace of mind. It’s a peaceful and delightful scene to enjoy.
I captured this beautiful friend with my paint brushes and canvas, worked on it for quite sometimes and finally have it completed while painting on my front yard under the warm winter sun.
I would like to share the beautiful moment with you, hope this artwork be the brightest rainbow in your Clouds.
A latest piece of my animal series, THE VOICE OF NATURE SERIES 2020
Artwork inspired by nature in Bayswater, Melbourne, Victoria, Winter 2020.
We would like to pay our respects to the traditional owners of the land on which our building stands, their leaders, past, present and emerging.