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Gregory R Smith


Gregory R Smith FVAS past President, Hon. Life Member, over 30 years teaching experience.

The constant challenge to gain a greater understanding of how and what we see has been a driving force behind Gregory’s need to paint.

As an artist and teacher, developing greater visual knowledge allows his artwork to have a purpose, one of education. Accepting the limitations of paint to attempt to capture the truth before us is an important part of growth. Every painting is a new lesson.

While painting always ‘direct from life’ the journey is endless, and forever fascinating and stimulating.

Over his artistic career or more than 30 years, Gregory has held 43 solo exhibitions and has received some 200 art awards for still life, portraiture, landscape, floral and life work.


My first introduction to the VAS was back in the early 1980s after a discussion with an art judge at a regional art exhibition. Inquiring about art classes, the VAS was strongly recommended.

Maxwell Wilks and Shirley Bourne, my first teachers were very inspirational and highly skilled.
At the time I was working as an artist and draftsman for the Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works, but it wasn't exactly the art I intended to develop. I knew my art had become something more serious when after many years of surfing, I would drive to the coast with only an easel and paints and no surfboards.
At the end of the 1980s not only was I elected onto the VAS Council, but I took the big step to become a full-time artist. At this time, I was taking classes with Graham Moore who was to become a major influence on my further development. He, along with artists like Bill Harding, were strong supporters of my choice to teach painting near my home in Essendon.
Being someone who loved the great outdoors, cricketer, surfer, gardener and outdoor painter, I volunteered to run an annual outdoor activities program for the VAS. This included long weekends away, as well as a number of trips to Tasmania. There was an average of 25 artists per monthly event over the years, and some of my strongest friendships were made through these en plein air days out.
Having been fortunate enough to travel overseas and view some of Europe’s greatest paintings and sculptures, I was able to recognise what strong influences came out of Europe and fell on Australian art in general. The great painters who conveyed a visual truth have always earned my greatest respect.
As a VAS Council member of over 25 years, to be given the responsibility of leadership as the VAS President in 2010 was a great honour. To head our Society with such a proud history was no small task and yet very exciting at the same time. Again, the good people around me made the difference.
Known as a ‘tonal realist’, direct from life, alla-prima oil painter, I've been very fortunate to have received recognition for Still Life, Landscape, Portraiture, Life Work and Floral paintings. My journey has been from student, amateur to professional exhibitor of many solo shows, VAS Fellow and now Honorary Life member. I was pleased to be able to instigate the VAS participation in the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show of which I coordinated for 15 years, meeting and promoting to hundreds of visitors. I’m also a VAS teacher of three classes weekly, with my own school having run for 30 years. I’ve always felt privileged to be able to share my knowledge as a teacher or mentor and to pass on the stories and wisdom of so many accomplished artists I had known over many years.
A full-time artist’s life requires good support by family and friends. The marriage to my wife Rachel, a magnificent artist in her own right at every level, has been an incredible blessing. Sharing not only painting time, but art principles and approaches is a wonderful thing.
In late 2019 I experienced a major health scare. Collapsing at home, twelve days later, I emerged from the Royal Melbourne diagnosed with a rare disorder known as Myasthenia Gravis. This is an incurable disease but carefully monitored can be managed into the future. This occurred soon after the passing of my beautiful mum as well as the news that we were expecting a baby. Then the world around us all went into lockdown for COVID-19 control.

Rachel and I do the best we can to live as artists, sometimes taking it in turns to paint.
With my health being managed I continue to teach with enthusiasm as long as the students require my help, I myself will remain a student forever.

Gregory R Smith VAS FVAS
Honorary Life Member of the Victorian Artists Society

Classes by Gregory R Smith


Still Life in Oil

Gregory R Smith
20 Jan 2025 – 22 Jan 2025
10:00 am – 3:30 pm
This 3 day workshop will assist students in seeking a greater visual knowledge through painting tone, form and the true meaning of colour.
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Greg Smith Image 2

Oil Painting Class

Gregory R Smith
Thursday afternoon - 10 weeks
30 Jan 2025 – 3 Apr 2025
12:30 pm – 3:00 pm
These classes cater to beginners through to established painters. The purpose of these classes is to develop a greater visual knowledge.
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Oil Painting Class

Gregory R Smith
Thursday afternoon - 10 weeks
30 Jan 2025 – 3 Apr 2025
3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
These classes cater to beginners through to established painters. The purpose of these classes is to develop a greater visual knowledge.
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077_Still Life With Torso_Gregory R Smith

Oil Painting Class

Gregory R Smith
Thursday evening - 10 weeks
30 Jan 2025 – 3 Apr 2025
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
These classes cater to beginners through to established painters. The purpose of these classes is to develop a greater visual knowledge.
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Oil Painting Class

Gregory R Smith
Thursday afternoon - 10 weeks
1 May 2025 – 3 Jul 2025
12:30 pm – 3:00 pm
These classes cater to beginners through to established painters. The purpose of these classes is to develop a greater visual knowledge.
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Oil Painting Class

Gregory R Smith
Thursday afternoon - 10 weeks
1 May 2025 – 3 Jul 2025
3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
These classes cater to beginners through to established painters. The purpose of these classes is to develop a greater visual knowledge.
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Oil Painting Class

Gregory R Smith
Thursday evening - 10 weeks
1 May 2025 – 3 Jul 2025
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
These classes cater to beginners through to established painters. The purpose of these classes is to develop a greater visual knowledge.
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Exhibitions & Events by Gregory R Smith

Exhibition Image_From 2023 Autumn Exhibition
Gregory R Smith: Bring to Light
24 Aug 2023 – 11 Sep 2023
Winner_Gregory R Smith VAS FVAS, The Dragon and Golden Gown, Oil, $5500, #82
Gregory R Smith: Visual Essence
22 Aug 2024 – 9 Sep 2024

Works by Gregory R Smith

Cast in Light
Gregory R. Smith
$ 3,500.00
Silken Embroidery
Gregory R. Smith
$ 4,600.00
Gregory R Smith Coliban River (Into Laurison Res.)
Coliban River (Into Laurison Res.)
Gregory R. Smith
$ 4,200.00
IMG_5860 (Edit)
Clearing Fog, Barfold Range
Gregory R Smith
23cm (W) x 13cm (H)
IMG_5858 (Edit)
Summer Rains, Barfold
Gregory R Smith
23cm (W) x 13cm (H)
$ 330.00
IMG_5859 (Edit)
When Barfold Bales Glow
Gregory R Smith
23cm (W) x 13cm (H)
$ 330.00
077_Still Life With Torso_Gregory R Smith
Still Life With Torso (1996)
Gregory R Smith
59cm (W) x 49cm (H)

Not for sale
3-Pumpkin and Martin Onions
Pumpkin and 'Martin' Onion
Gregory R Smith
$ 3,500.00
4-Pomegranates on Show
Pomegranates on Show
Gregory R Smith
$ 2,650.00
5-Barfold Quince
Barfold Quince
Gregory R Smith
$ 2,500.00
9-Deep glaze and thin skinned
Deep Glazed and Thin Skinned
Gregory R Smith
$ 1,250.00
11-For the Ticky Tacky Toe
For the Ticky Tacky Toes
Gregory R Smith
$ 1,250.00
Gregory R Smith
15-Rodin Mask
Rodin Mask 
Gregory R Smith
$ 1,250.00
17-Summer Colours on New Pomegranates
Summer Colour on New Pomegranates
Gregory R Smith
$ 1,000.00
24-Myself and Myasthenia Gravis
Myself and Myasthenia Gravis
Gregory R Smith
$ 1,250.00
35-Ornamental Quince in Awaji
Ornamental Quince in Awaji
Gregory R Smith
38-Unfurling Arums
Unfurling Arums
Gregory R Smith
$ 1,100.00
41-The Glow of Many Rose Petals
The Glow of Many Rose Petals 
Gregory R Smith
$ 1,100.00
Fedeartion camellias in glass
Federation Camellias in Glass
Gregory R Smith
$ 1,000.00
51-Through the Cypress, Summer Dawn
Through the Cypress, Summers Dawn
Gregory R Smith
$ 5,000.00
56-Dawn Greeted by Rising Moon
Dawn Greeted by Rising Moon
Gregory R Smith
$ 980.00
62-Passing Spring Storm
Passing Spring Storm
Gregory R Smith
73-Pastoral Mist, Barfold
Pastoral Mist, Barfold
Gregory R Smith
$ 980.00
82-Autumn Burning
Autumn Burning 
Gregory R Smith
$ 880.00
95-Rocks on the Rise, Barfold
Rocks on the Rise, Barfold 
Gregory R Smith
$ 800.00
103-Clouds of Moisture, Clouds of Smoke
Clouds of Moisture, Clouds of Smoke
Gregory R Smith
$ 750.00
USE_Gregory R Smith_Japonica and Awaji_Winner Members Choice 2021
Japonica & Awaji
Gregory R Smith
$ 1,200.00
USE_Gregory R Smith_Arum and Remued_Winner Members Choice 2021_1
Arum & Remued
Gregory R Smith
$ 2,500.00
USE_Gregory R Smith_Boy and Horse_Winner Members Choice 2021
The Boy & Horse
Gregory R Smith
Greg Smith
October Dusk, Western Skies, Moon and Venus over Metcalfe
Gregory R Smith
41cm (W) x 25cm (H) x 0.5cm (D)
$ 600.00
Then a Sudden Change
Gregory R Smith
41cm (W) x 26cm (H)
Oil on canvas
$ 550.00
Food with a View, Barfold
Gregory R Smith
41cm (W) x 31cm (H) x 1cm (D)
Oil on Canvas
$ 700.00
Wild Quince and Chinese Glaze
Gregory R Smith
50cm (W) x 40cm (H) x 5cm (D)
Oil on Canvas
Red Cap Gum, Illyarrie
Gregory R Smith
50cm (W) x 60cm (H) x 3cm (D)
Oil on Canvas
$ 2,500.00
Gregory R Smith
75cm (W) x 60cm (H) x 5cm (D)
Oil on Canvas
$ 4,000.00
Eunuch From Forbidden City
Gregory R Smith
60cm (W) x 75cm (H) x 5cm (D)
Oil on Canvas
$ 4,000.00
Corumbene, South of Redesdale
Gregory R Smith
40cm (W) x 25cm (H) x 5cm (D)
Oil on Canvas
$ 850.00
GregoryRSmith Moonrise Kinrara
Moonrise Kinrara
Gregory R Smith
40.7cm (W) x 25.4cm (H)
Oil on canvas
$ 550.00
Miriam at five months
Gregory R Smith
Oil on canvas

Not for sale
Violin in Copper
Gregory R Smith
76cm (W) x 61cm (H)
Oil on canvas
$ 3,300.00
Pincushion Hakea
Gregory R Smith
51cm (W) x 61cm (H)
Oil on canvas

Not for sale
The Sugarloaf, Barfold
Gregory R Smith
51cm (W) x 40.6cm (H)
Oil on canvas

Not for sale
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We would like to pay our respects to the traditional owners of the land on which our building stands, their leaders, past, present and emerging.