The Real Runceley Chaser, 2018 - 2022, oil on canvas Runceley Chaser is a world expert in chakra removal and persuasive marketing. He is the partner of Angelica Leight, the conscious being behind the global phenomenon Sacred Gaia Healing™ ( In 2015, I began my current research and parody art project, Sacred Gaia Healing™. This project scrutinizes blatant capitalist tactics that target New Age naivety and demean any possible underlying merit in metaphysical beliefs. For example, some of these tactics co-op ecological concerns, quantum physics and Gaia/Earth worship to rationalise and promote bogus goods and services. As part of this parody, I have created, for myself, alter-ego Angelica Leight and her marketing manager Runceley Chaser both of whom shamelessly peddle their phoney stuffs and treatments. Sacred Gaia Healing™ offers a variety of 'healing products' such as the Gaia Earth™ pink gardening trowel, the 100% paper-free 100% polythylene terephthalate tote bag, and dolphin-frequency healing. Runceley Chaser is performed by Robert Quinlan. He has appeared at Metro Arts, Bosz Gallery and The Laundry Artspace in Brisbane and The Cross Arts Project in Sydney, the Byron School of Art as part of The Trailer Project, ArtPost Uki and The Sandbox Gallery, Brunswick, Vic. In creating digital and painted images of Runceley Chaser, I extensively use Photoshop. I have left the vestiges of the process of Photoshop in this portrait of the real Runceley Chaser. The Painting was altered in 2022 to add in Harry the cat.