Weekdays: 10am-4pm
Weekends: 11am-4pm

Roll of Honour


2021: Richard Impey FVAS

2013: Eileen Mackley AM VAS FVAS 

2011: Gregory R Smith FVAS

2007: Noel Waite AO FVAS 

2003: John Hunt 

1998: Paul McDonald Smith OAM 

1995: Kathlyn Ballard 

1991: Arthur William Harding 

1988: Connie Walker 

1983: David Roper 

1980: Dorothy Baker 

1977: Edward Heffernan OAM 

1972: Stanley Hammond MBE 

1964: William Frater OBE 

1962: Laurence Scott Pendlebury 

1959: Arnold Shore 

1951: Malcolm Warner 

1948: James Quinn 

1946: Orlando Dutton 

1937: James Quinn 

1935: John Rowell 

1933: Louis McCubbin 

1931: Paul Montford 

1926: Charles Douglas Richardson 

1925: John Longstaff 

1918: Charles Douglas Richardson 

1917: Max Meldrum 

1912: William Montgomery 

1911: John Mather 

1910: Frederick Horatio Bruford 

1909: Frederick McCubbin 

1906: John Mather 

1905: Walter Withers 

1903: Frederick McCubbin 

1902: John Ford Paterson 

1893: John Mather 

1888: Joseph Anderson Panton 

1875: Chester Earles 

1870: Oswald Rose Campbell 


2018: Hylton Mackley 

2016: Ray Wilson VAS 

2012: Ian Wilson 

2010: Carol Pagnon FCPA 

2006-09: Julian Bruere 

2004: Wayne Leslie 

2003: Christine Wrest Smith 

1992–03: Geoff Hargreaves 

1981–91: Gordon Moffat 

1953–80: Ken McDonald 

1933–52: JC Aisbett 

1931–32: HL Fern 

1919–30: HC Callaway 

1917–18: Walter Anderson 

1898–16: BJ Ferdinando 

1892–97: ES Smith 

1889–91: RE Gow 

1888: C. Rolando 

1882-87: JR Edwards 

1879–81: J Carter 

1876–78: S Griffiths 

1870–75: Chester Earles 


Awarded by the President and Council for Outstanding Contributions to Art 

1991: Edward Heffernan OAM 

1990: Sir William Dargie Kt. CBE OBE 

1990: Murray V Griffin 

1990: Alan Sumner MBE 

1979: Stanley Hammond MBE 

1973: William Frater OBE 

1961: Arnold Shore 

1957: R. Malcolm Warner 

1956: Sir Daryl Lindsay 


Fellowship Awards are presented to exhibiting members of the Society for outstanding and/or significant achievement or contribution in the practice of art or teachers who are exhibiting members and have given long and continuous service to the Society.

Angela Abbott FVAS 

Kathlyn Ballard OAM FVAS (dec) 

Shirley Bourne OAM FVAS (dec) 

Julian Bruere FVAS

Manwel Cassar FVAS (dec) 

Ted Dansey FVAS 

Meg Davoren Honey OAM FVAS 

Bettina Fauvel-Ogden FVAS

Margaret Gurney FVAS 

Alwyn Harbott FVAS

Radmila Hardi FVAS 

AW Harding FRMIT FVAS (dec) 

Peter Harrington FVAS

Ray Hewitt FVAS 

John Hunt FVAS 

Nada Hunter FVAS (dec) 

John Hurle FVAS 

Richard Impey FVAS

Don James FVAS 

Annee Kelly FVAS 

Judith Leman FVAS 

Ming Mackay FVAS (dec) 

Eileen Mackley AM VAS FVAS 

Walter Magilton SATC FVAS 

Paul McDonald Smith  OAM FVAS 

Joyce McGrath OAM FVAS 

Barbara McManus FVAS 

Gordon Moffatt AM FSIA FAIM FVAS (dec)

Gunnar Neeme FVAS (dec)

Nathan Paramanathan FVAS (dec)

Judith Perrey NGV FVAS (dec) 

Dieter H Prussner FVAS 

Donald Ramsay FVAS 

Jo Reitze FVAS 

Joan Richard FVAS (dec) 

Hugh Schroeder FRAIA FVAS 

Bob Senior FVAS 

Raelene Sharp FVAS 

Clive Sinclair FVAS 

Gregory R Smith FVAS 

John Sterchele FVAS (dec) 

David Taylor FVAS 

Don Townsend FVAS 

Robert Wade OAM FVAS (dec)

Noel Waite OA FVAS 

John Wakefield OAM FVAS

Connie Walker OAM FVAS (dec) 

Paul Warner FVAS (dec)

Maxwell Wilks FVAS 

Judith Wills FVAS (dec) 

Ray Wilson FVAS 


Honorary Fellowship Awards are presented at the discretion of the Council and on the advice of the Awards Committee to persons outside the Society who have distinguished themselves in the realm of art or the incumbent President of the Society if not already a Fellow.

Shirley Baynes-Smith (Hon) FVAS 

Nan Bretel (Hon) FVAS 

Lesley Dwyer (Hon) FVAS 

Gilbert Farrow (Hon) FVAS 

Alwyn Harbott (Hon) FVAS 

Peter Harrington (Hon) FVAS 

Kenneth Jack AM MBE RWS ATD ATC (Hon) FVAS 

Ming Mackay (Hon) FVAS 

Hylton Mackley (Hon) FVAS 

Andrew Mackenzie OAM (Hon) FVAS

Rosemary Noble (Hon) FVAS

Andrew Orr LLB (Hon) FVAS 

Chris Reade (Hon) FVAS 

Anne Scott-Pendlebury (Hon) FVAS 

Ron Smith (Hon) FVAS 

Beverly Snelling (Hon) FVAS 

Paul Warner (Hon) FVAS


2024: Hylton Mackley (Hon) FVAS 

2022: Eileen Mackley AM VAS FVAS

2022: Barbara McManus VAS FVAS

2017: Paul McDonald Smith OHM FVAS    

2017: Noel Waite AO FVAS  

2017: John Hunt FVAS   

2014: Gregory R Smith FVAS   

2009: Joyce McGrath OAM   

2007: Kathlyn Ballard OAM   

2000: A. W. Harding   

1999: Allan Willingham   

1997: Connie Walker   

1996: Jennet Harrison   

1995: Stanley Farrell   

1994: Joan de Jong   

1994: Gordon Speary   

1994: David Roper   

1993: Gunnar Neeme   

1992: Gordon Moffatt   

1990: Shirley Bourne   

1987: Robert T. Miller   

1982: Dorothy Baker   

1980: Karlis Mednis   

1979: George Hicks   

1975: Edward Heffernan   

1974: Gordon Hughes   

1973: William Frater OBE   

1971: Stanley Hammond MBE   

1971: Frank Heath   

1971- Ken McDonald   

1968: Esther Paterson   

1961: Eric Thake   

1959: R Malcolm Warner   

1957: Sir Daryl Lindsay   

1956: Gretchen Leschau   

1954: Ethel Wardle   

1953: John Aisbett   

1951: Tom Carter   

1951: James Quinn   

1950: Orlando Dutton   

1949: Ethel Phillips Fox   

1944: Rupert Bunny   

1943: Percival Serle   

1933: Sir John Longstaff   

1932: Louie Harvie   

1929: L Bernard Hall   

1916: William Montgomery   

1915: Thomas Welton Stanford   

1915: Madame Pinchof   

1915: Lord Carmichael   

1915: John Mather   

1915: J Thomson   

1915: Henry Gyles Turner   

1915: C Douglas Richardson   

1915: Albert Behrend   

1914: Dame Nellie Melba   

1906: Walter Withers   

1906: Jane Sutherland   

1906: BJ Ferdinando   

1904: John Ford Paterson   

1904: Hugh Paterson   

1904: Frederick H Bruford   

1904: Fred McCubbin   

1903: Madame Wiederman   

1894: Frederick H Bromley   


Signatory Awards are presented to artists who have exhibited in VAS Select Exhibitions 12 times or more during a period of 5 consecutive years, or all members of the Council who have served at least 2 consecutive terms.

Joan Allison 

Dick Ashby 

Janet Baker

Bruce Baldey

Robyn Barker 

Jo Bennett  

Edward Berry 

Fiona Bilbrough 

Dinney Birrell 

Marjory Bolton Harvey  

Ottavio Boron 

Beverley Braddy 

Kester Brown 

Judy Brownlie 

Julian Bruere 

Sam Bruere

Marion Bruere 

Donald Cameron 

Lois Campbell  

Geoff Carter 

Helen Carter 

Mary Cash 

Manwel Cassar  

Susanne Catterson 

Teresa Chung 

Bett Collins  

Margaret Cowling 

Pauline Cross 

Ute Cummins  

Rosemarie Curry

John Daniels

Meg Davoren-Honey OAM  

Robin Dawson 

Rachel Dettmann Smith

David Dickason 

Bob Dodds 

Denise Doyle 

Peter Dunne 

Vera Duvcevski 

Joseph Edelman 

Rod Edelsten 

Helen Edwards 

Heather Ellis 

Anne Evans 

Giorgio Faggione 

Betina Fauvel-Ogden 

Anne Finkelde 

Shirley Fisher 

Louise Foleta 

George Francis 

Jan Francis 

Adam Frith 

Nell Frysteen 

Yvonne Fumolo 

Jennifer Fyfe 

Margaret Gurney 

Lyn Hahn 

Radmila Hardi 

Virginia Harding 

G Hargreaves  

Jennet Harrison  

Pisen Hong 

Ivan Horacek 

Ludmila Hrycenko

Bronwen Hunt

Amanda Hyatt 

Mary Hyde 

Peg Hyville  

Don James

Steve Jarrold

Gladys Jauncey Prior  

Ellen Jenkins

Adrian Johnson

Megan-Jane Johnstone 

Ann Jolivet 

Jane Jones 

Ken Jungwirth 

Palma Kaali-Nagy 

Annee Kelly 

William ‘Bill’ Kerr 

Audrey Kitching 

Richard Knafelc 

Lorraine Kozlovsky 

Gwendoline Krumins 

Moira Laidlaw 

Brigitte Landgraf  

Joan Lane 

Joseph Luczynski 

Val Lynch 

Lee Machelak 

Eileen Mackley AM VAS FVAS 

Mai Maddisson 

Walter Magilton 

Cherry Manders 

Jan Martin 

Monnie Mayor 

Vicki McInnes 

Helen McKie 

Anne Melloy

Danuta Michalska 

Gary Miles 

Carole Milton 

Karolyn Mitchell 

Charles Moodie 

Pamela Moore 

Elizabeth Moore Golding

Patricia Moran  

Shinko Mori  

Nathan Moshinsky 

Tim Murphy 

Do Noble 

Kristan Oud 

Wendy Round 

Des Parkin 

Jennifer Paull 

Heather Peberdy 

Bob Pelchen 

John Perry (Hon) 

Peter Perry (Hon) 

Simone Phanthakoun 

Robyn Pridham 

Merlyn Rae  

Joan Richard 

Jacqueline Robinson 

Molly Roche 

Pauline Roche 

Ted Rowbottom 

Ron Russell Fletcher 

Susan Sambell 

Helen Schiller 

Jennifer Scholes 

Nancee Segnit  

Robert Senior 

Peter Sharp 

Keming Shen

Melissa Silver (Fraser)

Clive Sinclair 

Ulrich Stalph 

Shirley Straford 

Susan Sutton 

Judy Talacko 

Lucille Tam 

Robert Tantau DTSC TTTC 

Lyndel Thomas (Hon) 

Claudine Top 

Pilar de la Torre 

Fred Toumayan 

Don Townsend  

Cliff Trousdale 

Lesley Tunnicliffe  

Ursual Tursky 

Felix Tuszynski 

Hans Van Weerd 

Jenny Viney 

Judith Viti 

Colin Waddingham  

Erica Wagner 

Thelma Wajsbrum  

John Wakefield 

Clive Walsh 

William Warren  

Geoffrey Watson 

Ray Wilson 

Ben Winspear 

Robin Wren 

Christine Wrest Smith 

Elaine Young 

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Acknowledgment of traditional owners.

We would like to pay our respects to the traditional owners of the land on which our building stands, their leaders, past, present and emerging.