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Submit to the VAS Magazine

Submit an Article

The Victorian Artists Society is accepting articles on art and art-adjacent topics. This can include reviews of exhibitions and books, artist profiles, articles on the history of art, responses to previously published articles, and discussions of controversies in the art world—everything from AI to nudity in art. You can get a feel for the kinds of articles we publish by reading some of our past issues here. We are also welcoming submissions of art themed comic strips and cartoons.

Note: Does it all need to be 'essays' (non-fiction): could be fun to put in one art themed short story each issue

The VAS Magazine is sent out digitally to over 500 members, with physical copies available in our Galleries.

Terms & Conditions


The magazine is published 4 times a year, in the last week of March, June, September and December. Articles must be received at least a month prior to the publication date, or will be pushed to the next issue.


Contributions will be published on a strictly honorary basis and no payment will be made. Contributors will receive a free copy of the printed magazine.


Submissions will be published at the discretion of the Victorian Artists Society. No feedback will be provided on unsuccessful submissions and no correspondence will be entered into.


Selected articles will go through a structural- and copy-editing process at the discretion of the Magazine Editor, with changes made with the approval of the contributor. 

No approval will be sought for stylistic changes based on our in-house style guide.

Contributors are welcome to suggest a layout for the article: but design, layout and typesetting will be done at the discretion of the Victorian Artists Society.


By submitting an article for inclusion in the VAS Magazine, you acknowledge that VAS reserves the right to publish your article, which may include etc etc ... 

You acknowledge that you own the rights to all images and text included with the article, have permission from the copyright holder, or ... legal stuff here

Submission Guidelines

  • Text: Word Document. Not PDF or Email
  • Word count: 200 to 600 words or 800 to 1200 words
  • Images: At least 2 images
  • File Naming: Article Name_Your Name_Magazine Issue
    • Example: History of VAS_Mark Russell_September 2024
  • Images: Separate PNG or JPG files, clearly labelled. Not in the body of the email or document. At least 300 DPI
  • Images: Position of images clearly marked within the body of the text using this format
    • <Insert Image_Image Title>

Send your submission to

Please use the email subject: Magazine Submission_Your Name

Advertise with us

We invite individuals, organisations and businesses to advertise with us. These can include life models, art materials
suppliers, galleries, art organisations and exhibitions, art for sale, classes and study tours, and more.

Ads must be provided as a PNG or JPG file of at least 300 DPI.

Alternatively you can provide an image and copy using the same criteria as outlined for the article submission process (above).

The Victorian Artists Society reserve the right to decline to publish any advertising material for any reason.


1/2 page ad (17.5cm x 13cm):

Whole page ad (17.5cmx26.7cm):

Payment must be made at least 2 weeks before the publication of the magazine. 

Advertising sizes
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Acknowledgment of traditional owners.

We would like to pay our respects to the traditional owners of the land on which our building stands, their leaders, past, present and emerging.