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Roy Gibson


I was born the year before the start of World War 2 so that's a long time to have been smitten by all things Art. I considered myself mainly to be a Viewer rather than a Do-er.

Painting for me was essentially social and somewhat sporadic; however, over the years I did take every opportunity to visit numerous exhibitions and galleries. My wife and I travelled extensively and lived overseas in places which allowed us to frequent many of the great galleries of the world, many times over. Our special favourites include the New York Met, the National and Portrait Galleries in London, the Musee D'Orsay in Paris. How can you draw a cut off line? You also need to include ones like Van Gogh in Amsterdam, Marmottan in Paris, Courtauld in London and so on. I haven't even mentioned the biggies in Italy, Spain or Australia! Enough already!


Robert, Oil on canvas board


Thoughtful, Oil on canvas board

I worked for 15 years at ICI (now Orica) and spent many lunch hours browsing at the VAS. A person I worked with was a talented amateur artist, Warren Cant, who painted regularly with Jock Frater, whose style and approach made a big impression on me, one which lingers still. (I met Jock just once after one of his solo exhibitions). Nowadays my greatest inspiration for colour and line comes from Manet.

While working at ICI I completed a bachelor’s degree, part time, at Melbourne University specialising in Marketing. In those days an MBA was the much sought after business qualification which I was keen to pursue, so I applied and was accepted into Indiana University, one of the top 5 business colleges in the U.S. I graduated in 1968 and returned to Melbourne to continue my business career with ICI and then subsequently a number of other companies, mostly in the rag trade.


Walkerville, Victoria, Oil on canvas board


Old Oak, Oil on canvas board


Roses, Oil on canvas board

In 1994 I started my own golf travel business in partnership with an established Victorian travel company, which also conducted special interest travel like Art Workshops! I conducted several overseas art workshop tours with recognised artists including Alvaro Castagnet, David Taylor and Greg Allen to name a few.

When my business life was coming to a close in 2015, I wondered what I would do to fill in the time. 'Why don't you take up painting again?', queried that very wise woman, my wife. So the next week I went to the front desk at #430 Albert Street and joined a class with Paul McDonald Smith. I now go to the VAS twice a week—on Tuesdays with Lee Machelak for instruction and discipline and all day on Fridays with the Friday Group, where a different sitter is provided (every two weeks in a row). The combination of the Tuesday and Friday is perfect and I feel I have progressed accordingly. I also belong to the VAS Plein Air Group, which is yet another challenge requiring different skills, including socialising, dining and the occasional glass of wine!

To be included in the company of current leading lights in the VAS is an unexpected honour and privilege.

Works by Roy Gibson

Robert by Roy Gibson_Oil
Roy Gibson
$ 400.00
86_Roy Gibson_Woolshed Falls Beachworth_Oil
Woolshed Falls Beachworth
Roy Gibson
$ 400.00
Gardanne—Cezanne Country
Roy Gibson
35.5cm (W) x 45.5cm (H) x 1cm (D)
$ 400.00
Amsterdam Canal
Roy Gibson
52cm (W) x 37cm (H) x 0.03cm (D)
$ 400.00
Beechworth Gorge
Roy Gibson
35.5cm (W) x 45.5cm (H) x 0.03cm (D)
$ 350.00
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