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Jack Woods

My background is civil engineering and in latter years involvement as a volunteer crewman on tall ships, with many years spent sailing in small yachts, or sailing dinghies.

I  have been painting, maritime subjects, for over 30 years with a particular focus on some of the small yachts that had voyaged over long distances before the advent of all the modern navigation and safety technology.  My many sailing experiences have given me a good appreciation of the challenges of painting the ever changing moods of the sea


Although primarily self taught, I have also researched and learnt from the many  publications by marine artists.  My marine paintings have been selected in 16 of the last 19 juried national maritime exhibitions which were held annually at the historical Mission to Seafarers building in Melbourne up to 2023. I was honoured in 2024 to be recognised as a Fellow of the Australian Society of Marine Artists.

Works by Jack Woods

Jack Woods_Sorrento Serenity_ 9 a 5in_ $120.jpg
Sorrento Serenity
Jack Woods
23cm (W) x 13cm (H)
$ 120.00
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Acknowledgment of traditional owners.

We would like to pay our respects to the traditional owners of the land on which our building stands, their leaders, past, present and emerging.